How to Protect Your Fuel Pump from Contaminants?

The first step in preventing contaminants from entering your fuel pump is to use a fuel filter of good quality. With elimination of particles as small as 10 microns, most filters will prevent debris from reaching the pump. Studies have shown that a severely plugged fuel filter can reduce fuel flow by 50 percent and can lead to an early failure of the electric fuel pump. One of the most cost-effective ways to keep pumps efficient and breakdown free is a new fuel filter every 30,000 to 50,000 miles.

Fuel tank inspections on a regular basis are recommended by industry professionals considering the fact that sediments can accumulate with time and older type fuel tanks suffer the most. Fuel system metal contamination caused by corrosion inside the fuel tank. Corrosion resulted in 12 per cent of fuel pump failures for vehicles more than a decade old, according to a 2020 study from the National Automotive Service Task Force. Regular cleaning and inspections of the tank can prolong the life of the fuel pump by 20%

Fuel pump service is an apt case of prevention being better than cure, as Thomas Edison once said “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” Not only does preventing contaminants from entering the system keep you operating, it may also save you some hefty repair costs; ranging from $400 to $1,000 dollars, depending on the vehicle model.

Now you might be thinking, can I avoid damage by just using high-quality fuel? Water and debris in fuel can seriously effect pump performance, by getting gasoline from reputable stations you reduce the likelihood of these contaminants. Pump clogging caused by dirty fuel lowers efficiency 10%, and risk of total pump failure goes up.

It works best when the fuel level is above a quarter of the tank. That is the level at which sediment on the bottom of the tank is more likely to be sucked into the pump. Automotive experts say running consistently on a near-empty or low fuel tank can reduce a fuel pump’s lifespan by as much as 30%.

When it comes to keeping your car in tip-top shape, trust only reputable sources like Fuel Pump for quality parts and accessories. This will keep it from rusting and running in good form for as long as conceivable.

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